saya lagi pengen ngomel.
bcuz i knew someone backstabbed me. i knew it long before i write this note. but that time all i did was silent. why? bcuz i thought, it is useless to talk about it. the stuff was over and why should i take my time to think about that-unimportant-thing.
but then..
i dont want to be the victim for the second time with another person. i dont want being backstabbed by anyone else. thats why.. i become more and more aware to new people.
it doesnt mean i cant trust other. i just become aware.
i hate the two-faces-man *well, i dont know if i use the rite term. hehe*. maybe.. maybe bcuz i am a straightforward person, that i show people if i dont like them, and i also show people i care about.
but this guy.. the guy backstabbed me a few months ago did this :
he showed me AS IF he was a friend of mine. AS IF he cared for me, for his friend that used to be my lover that time, he showed us AS IF he was in our side.
he also did this :
accompanied my lover came to my house, had fun with us, picked me from my house to spend weekend with then, being my "most careful" friend when i got probs with my lover, being my "trusted" friend to share about my lover, and he picked me to see my lover.
tapii. dia ternyata adalah mata2 darii si cewe yg jelas2 sensi sampe mampus ama gue. dan dia melaporkan semua ke cewe itu, LENGKAP DGN TANGGAL DAN JAM SETIAP KEJADIAN.
brengkes banget tu orang.
sumpah. gw benci orang muka dua!
dan skarang.. gue gatau.. apakah ada orang lain yg melakukan hal srupa dengan si brengkes itu. karena spertinya, oknum yg baru saja "baik" sama gue ini, juga "senyum di depan gue, pisau dibalik gue".
gue bukan negative thinking. gue hanya belajar dari pengalaman. yang membuat gue jauh lebih berhati2. dan terutama : DONT EVER TRUST PEOPLE WITH YOUR HEART. it's hurt when we found out that they lied to us.
tapi, gue lagi belajar untuk jadi orang yg lebih baik. gue ga akan dendam sama orang itu. tapi, jgn berharap gw akan percaya lg sama makhluk berinisial 'A' tsb.
*buat mantan : lain kali cari temen yg ga nusuk dari belakang ya. gue inget kalimat lo, "mereka ga mau ikut campur.. tapi mereka peduli".. ya, itulah bentuk kepedulian mereka!
bcuz i knew someone backstabbed me. i knew it long before i write this note. but that time all i did was silent. why? bcuz i thought, it is useless to talk about it. the stuff was over and why should i take my time to think about that-unimportant-thing.
but then..
i dont want to be the victim for the second time with another person. i dont want being backstabbed by anyone else. thats why.. i become more and more aware to new people.
it doesnt mean i cant trust other. i just become aware.
i hate the two-faces-man *well, i dont know if i use the rite term. hehe*. maybe.. maybe bcuz i am a straightforward person, that i show people if i dont like them, and i also show people i care about.
but this guy.. the guy backstabbed me a few months ago did this :
he showed me AS IF he was a friend of mine. AS IF he cared for me, for his friend that used to be my lover that time, he showed us AS IF he was in our side.
he also did this :
accompanied my lover came to my house, had fun with us, picked me from my house to spend weekend with then, being my "most careful" friend when i got probs with my lover, being my "trusted" friend to share about my lover, and he picked me to see my lover.
tapii. dia ternyata adalah mata2 darii si cewe yg jelas2 sensi sampe mampus ama gue. dan dia melaporkan semua ke cewe itu, LENGKAP DGN TANGGAL DAN JAM SETIAP KEJADIAN.
brengkes banget tu orang.
sumpah. gw benci orang muka dua!
dan skarang.. gue gatau.. apakah ada orang lain yg melakukan hal srupa dengan si brengkes itu. karena spertinya, oknum yg baru saja "baik" sama gue ini, juga "senyum di depan gue, pisau dibalik gue".
gue bukan negative thinking. gue hanya belajar dari pengalaman. yang membuat gue jauh lebih berhati2. dan terutama : DONT EVER TRUST PEOPLE WITH YOUR HEART. it's hurt when we found out that they lied to us.
tapi, gue lagi belajar untuk jadi orang yg lebih baik. gue ga akan dendam sama orang itu. tapi, jgn berharap gw akan percaya lg sama makhluk berinisial 'A' tsb.
*buat mantan : lain kali cari temen yg ga nusuk dari belakang ya. gue inget kalimat lo, "mereka ga mau ikut campur.. tapi mereka peduli".. ya, itulah bentuk kepedulian mereka!
hati-hati sama gue juga, nda..
ReplyDeletegue juga mata-mata lho..
lo ga pernah curiga sama gue??