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there will be a rainbow after the storm :)

i love to dance!! :p

yea, however i often complaining about how hard it is to dance under pressure because we're going to have 3 performances withis 2 months, still I LOVE DANCING! :D

yesterday was fun, start at 4, doing cha-cha and some changes in its coreo, having hard times learning jive's step and funny moves in the end of its dance.. wohoo, you guys really have to see how we shake hips and boobie.. LOL! mean it, seriously.. we have to do that! shaking our boobies.. sounds crazy, huh? thanks God, my partner is Dona, she is a girl! :))

we're doing good, we're doing fun on rehearsal till Mami get mad because we werent serious.. :p
but we can show her that we can do better after..

and todaaaaayyy, this morning...
i danced! in my room, alone and learn rumba.. imagining i could do this with my hubbie later. hahaha.. cuz rumba is the dance of love, it is the slowest that make it the sexiest dance evaaaa!!! wohooo..! ( i quoted this from a video rumba lessons from youtube. LOL!) :D
after being so damn frustrated because it is hard to do rumba without any partner *yea, cuz i could fall down, and it is ABSOLUTELY NOT SEXY*, i choose just to move anywhere.. i feel my body, i follow my step.. just whatever, wherever.. and you know what guys, i feel like do contemporary dancing (watch: so you think you can dance, so you know what contemporary dance is.. hahaha!)

i played no me ames to dance rumba first, cuz Riri and Titan will do rumba with this song, and OMYGOD, they look so fabs in that dance.. well, they always look good and fabs in every dance they do.. :))
but this Rumba, show how sexy they are.. the way they are moving one step to the other, and how they looking into each other.. woohoooo.. i cant tell it how fabs they were last nite! and that inspires me to make my cha-cha coreo as a rumba step.. (well, telling you, chacha and rumba has some same moves, the difference is in beat. cha have 5 step in 4 counts,, but rumba only has 3 step in 4 count..)

well, now i am wet because i am sweating alot.. but i feel so fresh! i think i should do this everyday.. just let my body moves here and everywhere.. :)


mba Nia, vice coordinator in TPAM, called me this morning.. she asked me to help TPAM make an observation about child's difficulty in eating behavior.. it starts on 19-29 July 2010. thats a great date because i have nothing to do except dance, and my skripsi. hahhaa. so i am saying yes.. :)

well, i have a great day.. and it is exciting!

maaaaaaann, i gotta get ready cuz i have to see Eble to practice and understand more about our bussiness plan that will be interviewed on July 16.
well, i never know that i have so much to do.. hahhha...


PS: gue harus online di teras karena kamar gue gak dapet signal.. apa-apaan deeehh?? :(


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