wohooo.. i finally got my BRIGHT RED WALLET!
did i tell ya that i really wanted to have a this bright red wallet? im forget, i think, i posted a post about this, but i cant find it anywhere.. hihi..
well, after an hour looking around for bright red wallet, like i've visited around 10 shops that sells wallet, i finally choose this one.. take a look! :D
actually, the real color is brighter than it looks here.. and i really love this wallet. i thought i should pay alot for this lovely red, but guess what, i bought this only for 35k! :))
yang sekarang gue liat adalah, banyak banget dompet LV tiruan yang kualitasnya ga oke punya. saking banyaknya gue jadi enek liatnya, makanya begitu sampe di satu toko ini, gue nanya sama dia, "mba, saya mau dompet warna merah terang yang bukan LV!", dan dia menyodorkan gue dompet oke ayee ini.. ihiy, jadilah tanpa ba-bi-bu gue beli. eh trus, dia nawarin.. "mba, ini ada warna kuningnya loh..". hiaaaaaa, kuningnya juga keren banget.. jadi pengen juga. tapi kan gue udah niat beli yang warna merah ya, makanya akhirnya gue pun tetep memenuhi keinginan gue dulu untuk beli yang warna merah..
gue emang lagi banyak maunya..
sempet gue posting di status fb waktu itu..
1. bright red wallet : CHECKED!
2. 7cm heels yang ada tali-tali sampe betis :)
sumpah susah nyari gambarnya.. gue gatau nama sepatu kya ginian apaan.. lol!
3. eyeshadow 40 warna: baru dapet 12 warna, shimmery color.. sebenernya ini punya emak, tapi gak apa-apa lah ya, bisa ikutan pake koq.. (temporarily checked!) *my God, i just googled for eyeshadow pallet pics, and i found a 120-colors-eyeshadow pallet, umm.. 40 seems so lil, rite?? ;)*
4. black mini dress..
5. black formal shoes: very soon! :p
ok, i know.. this is too high.. LOL! i took this pic from looklet wardrobe :p
nah, baru aja kemaren gue nambah lagi pengennya..
6. shocking pink blazer
actually i really wanted to upload the real pics that inspired me to have pink blazer, it is from allkoreangossip.com, but when i tried to find it today, i cant see it anywhere.. *frustrated*. but just whatever, this pic looks good enough.. love the pink! :)
7. dompet bright yellow.. hihi.. ampun-ampunan deh gue.. :))
oyaaa.. akhir-akhir ini gw lagi kecanduan main-main di looklet, and i envy their EVER GROWING WARDROBE!!
check some of my looks..
my looks.. this one is my favorite..
did i tell ya that i really wanted to have a this bright red wallet? im forget, i think, i posted a post about this, but i cant find it anywhere.. hihi..
well, after an hour looking around for bright red wallet, like i've visited around 10 shops that sells wallet, i finally choose this one.. take a look! :D
actually, the real color is brighter than it looks here.. and i really love this wallet. i thought i should pay alot for this lovely red, but guess what, i bought this only for 35k! :))
yang sekarang gue liat adalah, banyak banget dompet LV tiruan yang kualitasnya ga oke punya. saking banyaknya gue jadi enek liatnya, makanya begitu sampe di satu toko ini, gue nanya sama dia, "mba, saya mau dompet warna merah terang yang bukan LV!", dan dia menyodorkan gue dompet oke ayee ini.. ihiy, jadilah tanpa ba-bi-bu gue beli. eh trus, dia nawarin.. "mba, ini ada warna kuningnya loh..". hiaaaaaa, kuningnya juga keren banget.. jadi pengen juga. tapi kan gue udah niat beli yang warna merah ya, makanya akhirnya gue pun tetep memenuhi keinginan gue dulu untuk beli yang warna merah..
gue emang lagi banyak maunya..
sempet gue posting di status fb waktu itu..
1. bright red wallet : CHECKED!
2. 7cm heels yang ada tali-tali sampe betis :)
sumpah susah nyari gambarnya.. gue gatau nama sepatu kya ginian apaan.. lol!
3. eyeshadow 40 warna: baru dapet 12 warna, shimmery color.. sebenernya ini punya emak, tapi gak apa-apa lah ya, bisa ikutan pake koq.. (temporarily checked!) *my God, i just googled for eyeshadow pallet pics, and i found a 120-colors-eyeshadow pallet, umm.. 40 seems so lil, rite?? ;)*
4. black mini dress..
5. black formal shoes: very soon! :p
ok, i know.. this is too high.. LOL! i took this pic from looklet wardrobe :p
nah, baru aja kemaren gue nambah lagi pengennya..
6. shocking pink blazer
actually i really wanted to upload the real pics that inspired me to have pink blazer, it is from allkoreangossip.com, but when i tried to find it today, i cant see it anywhere.. *frustrated*. but just whatever, this pic looks good enough.. love the pink! :)
7. dompet bright yellow.. hihi.. ampun-ampunan deh gue.. :))
oyaaa.. akhir-akhir ini gw lagi kecanduan main-main di looklet, and i envy their EVER GROWING WARDROBE!!
check some of my looks..
ITEMS: Head band by Tor Söderin , Ring by Glitter , Necklace by Åsitas , Necklace by Tatty Devine , Mini Dress by Ann Christine , Heels by Louise Goldin for topshop , Tights by Vogue
tell me whose not envy those brands?? lol!
aww, i *heart* fashion! :)
tell me whose not envy those brands?? lol!
aww, i *heart* fashion! :)
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