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OUR LIFE ; a story

"i know that life is not always good, but it doesnt mean always bad, rite?"

that is my current facebook status. why did i write them? because me, dian, icha, achie are all having our bad times, in a same time.

four of us, or maybe five, because i havent talk too much with Kania lately, are having so many things annoying in our life. me? yap. just about mom, about Olive. family things. always complicated and i never find words how to explain it.

i did have fun today, for watching futsal in Teknik. i enjoyed the play, i enjoyed the crowd, i enjoyed being with bebek, i enjoyed being with my closest friends, i enjoyed with everything there. but still, i can feel the pain inside.

it's not finish yet, then i heard about Dian. shes losing her phone in the train when shes in her way home. thats not good. but the worst part is when i heard shes not ok. not because of losing her phone, but there.. theres something she keeps inside, too long. now it's worse than she could ever imagine. shes in pain. shes bleeding inside. she needs emergency aids.

what i heard about her surely make me upset and sad. but so sorry, di.. i didnt mean to tell you what to do. i am just that sad, that upset and i dont want to see you keep swimming in your pain pool.. please, you need a ticket to get out of there..

but it is all up to you. it is your life, and i know, you will do your best..

you havent tell me what happened.. but i just dont need it. just knew what was going on there. what could i say? i just pray to My Lord, Our Lord, that being called with different names, being honored with different way, but The Lord is One.

what a day.. what a day.. to face upset mom in time we are all in upset to ourself? LOL.
chie, be strong.. we should hold on to give strength to each other..

"dear Lord of my world, would you please take care of my best friends? i really love them, but my small hands cant reach them when theyre far away. i promise you, i'll keep them just anytime i can do that. But please, would you help me to hand them right now? they need you, Lord.. theyre all in their bad times.. please, dont put them too long in this situation, Lord.. or if so, please put them in strength so they could through these storms.. Thank You, Lord.. "



and for you, that within 12 weeks will have your wedding,
what should i prepare? LOL. i'll have a mini black gown for your wedding, i ask my friend to designed it for me, so it will be so special.. :p

i miss you.. but it doesnt mean i have to see you everynight via YM chat.. :))
while, i know we should make a space.. to breathe.. to move.. to love..


we had fun again.. :p

im going to face my exams, im going to do my final task, im going to be very very very busy.. so, lets go to the Pangrango & beach.. beach.. beach.. we've talked about these things.. pleaaasseeeee.. lets have another fun.. *well, heart every time being with you actually, because just like your words, it's always fun to be with you* :)


yes, im having my bad times.. but life doesnt always bad, rite?


  1. for humans nothing is more powerful than the power of prayer itself,,mudah-mudahan bad timesnya cepet udahan yah..pecicilan lagi deh..ceria lagi deh..dasar centil...

  2. well, for you, anonymous..
    thank you - amin :)

    udahan koq.. hanya butuh teman-teman saya tersenyum lagi, trus bisa bikin saya tersenyum juga.. :D

    all the best for us all..


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