twenty first.
this month.
congratulations... :')
aku marah deh. why you didnt tell me? you promised me before.. tapi, pasti ada alasan lain kamu ga nepatin janji itu kan? ya, semoga semua dilancarkan ya.
jadi keluarga yang sakinah, mawardah, warahmah ya. *meski aku gak tau artinya apa hehhe*, tapi nampaknya ucapan itu cukup normatif.
just past few weeks. i cant forget about you. i talked about you to my friend. how nice you were, and still, youre the best until this second im writing this post.
just past few weeks, im thinking about how are you now, when is that day coming for and her? and now, i know.
and i dont know, why its still hurt. even when i dont love you anymore.
i love someone else.
not you anymore.
but maybe,
i realize that.. you always been a part of me.
a best part of me.
nothing i can do than wishing you all the best wishes.
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