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likey - likeit - coollikes :)

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i love.. lovely words like..

Trying to forget someone you love is like trying to remember someone you never met.

You know, you can kiss me whenever you like, I wouldn't mind ;)

Pray a lot. Prayers really work.

A break up is like a broken mirror. It is better to leave it broken than hurt yourself to fix it

True love will never fade unless it was a lie.

I may not be perfect, but i'm always me

“Speak when you are angry - and you'll make the best speech you'll ever regret"

Why do i still like you? WHYYYYYYY !

I wrote, I said I hate you. But deep inside my heart, I can't even bear to hate you. Reason being I love you way too much.

When you text a girl, Good Morning Beautiful, you make her entire day!

The hardest thing to do is watch the one you love, love someone else

when you tell me, "dont do that", "dont do this", because it means you care about me :)

I love you, not for what you are, but for what I am when I am with you.

We always ignore the ones who adore us, and adore the ones who ignore us.

Loved you once, love you still, always have, always will

Its hard to tell your mind to stop loving someone if your heart still does. Time heals.

When someone leaves, it's because someone else is about to arrive.

In the end, we only regret the chances we didn't take, the relationships we were afraid to have, and the decisions we waited too long to make..

*anjiiir.. dalem euy..*

"Guess what?". "What?". "I love you". :) ♥

I never stopped loving YOU, I just stopped showing it

The more we get scared, less we enjoy a relationship......

Well. ,I could have stayed mad at him. ,but he smiled ((:

I noticed you noticing me, so I wanted to put you on notice that I noticed you too

The most painfull goodbyes are the ones that are never said and never explained!!!

'are you crying?' 'yeah, but in a good way' :)

why do you have to make things so complicated when they dont have to be? :(

kissed ..... on ♥ Likey ♥.

when u put your arms around me... on ♥ Likey ♥.

true the music in full volume flow in emotion and sing it in loud volume

I hate it when someone says they love you but they blatantly don't. on ♥ Likey ♥

Dont say it, Prove it.
*buat ANDA!*

can you PLEASE get out of my head so i can go to sleep!?

having a boy hug you from behind :)

Just remember.. I cared when nobody else gave a fuck

and besties thing like this..

Good friends do not let you do stupid things..... alone :)

*BESTFRIENDS* they know how weird you are and still choose to be seen with you in public ;)
*this one is my fave!! lol!*

Best friends. You fight, I fight. You hurt, I hurt. You cry, I cry. You jump off a bridge; I get in a paddleboat and save your stupid ass.

or stupid and funny things like those..

staying up late.

Of all the things I've lost, I miss my mind the most.

I'll be fine. Just not today.

I accidentally typed ;) instead of :) and now it is awkward

"Being single used to mean that nobody wanted you. Now it means you're pretty sexy and you're taking your time deciding how you want your life to be and who you want to spend it with."

"OMG I have to tell you this story about.." *starts laughing* "there was this.." *starts laughing* "Omg.. It was so funny.." *starts laughing* *deep breath* "Okay there was this.." *starts laughing*

''it's so hot in here ..'' ''sorry should i leave?'' ;)

You're sexy.

"She's dating him?" "Yeah." "I thought she was dating that one guy." "No, that was last week."

*Puts too much lotion on* *Wipes half of it on the person next to you* :)

When I turn 21... I'll be legally able to do all the things I've been doing since age 13

When your ex says "you will never find anyone like me" and you reply "thats the point" :)

Saying 'yeah' to someone and not even know what they're saying

girlfriend:hey baby bf:yea gf: do u really like me? bf:ya why gf:oh no reason its just u sent my bestfriend a txt sayin the same thing u said wen u asked me out bf:ohh well*rolls eyes*

WHAT EACH GESTURE MEANS: - Holding Hands: We definitely like each other. - Holding you tight pressed against each other: I want you. - Looking into each other's Eyes: I like you, for who you are. - Playing with Hair: Let's fool around.
*nah loh.. ternyata ini yaa, beb??*

It's not cheating unless your caught *LOL! LOL!*

Ha Ha im going out with your ex u know the one who ur still stuck on! boy i bet u wish didnt fuck it.

there are only 2 solutions : or you are wrong or I'm right ! on ♥ Likey ♥.

i love the way u lie on ♥ Likey ♥.

s Blonde 'what does idk mean?' Brunnette ' i dont know' Blonde ' OMG no one knows!!!!' on ♥ Likey ♥.

I often wonder why I am so funny? on ♥ Likey ♥.

Kissing someone who you have been wanting to kiss for the longest time :) on ♥ Likey ♥.

lol.. cape gue copasnya.. :P


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