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The lyrics

today, i was spending all day listening to music.. enjoy singing.. and also paying attention to their lyrics..

here some lyrics i love..

"if only they could see, if only they had been here, they would understand"
kings of convenience - cayman island

yep, people can understand if only they had been 'there'.. I've been judged by people that i was all crazy for doing my past, but actually they couldnt understand it.. they never been there yet.. hmm..

"every problem is gone because i threw everywhere but love inside of me, its unbelievable to see how love could set me free"
chris brown ft. Keri hilson - superhuman

yep.. Like we could solve all problems with love, but doesnt mean love makes you stay out of trouble

"so many nights i dream of u, holding my pillow tight. i know that i dont need to be alone, when i open up my eyes to face reality, every moment without you seems like eternity"

"i want a new life, and i want it with you, if you feel the same, dont ever let it go. u gotta believe in the spirit of love, it can heal all things"
boyzIImen - on bended knee

then, im hoping you come back to me..

"everyday & everynite this feeling i'd fight, try as i might, but i wont win.. i surrender i die, you are winning here alrite"
mymp - miss u

MISS YOU every second..

"i find myself tryna stay by the phone cause your voice always helps me to not feel so alone"
fort minor - where'd u go?

Just like written..
i need your voice tonight, just like the other night..

But i know..
"we cant play this game anymore but can we still be friends?"
"lets admit we made a mistake"
"heartbreak's never easy to take"

mandy moore - can we still be friend?
because they said, you are a good one.. i never knew it, because i never been as yours, and i dont know if i could

*written for my neverendingstory*


  1. saving love songs and lullabies.. that's sweet :)
    be tough, CabeRawid!

  2. :)
    thank you, ania..
    gw baru log in lagi nih..


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