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Showing posts from September, 2012

As Long As We're Together in This

Ups and downs. There are things that we can run from. We've through good times together, and I think I am ready to face the bad times, too. Because, dark side will always follow the bright. That's the law. That makes life perfect. Everything sets in contrary so it keeps the balance. Like us. I have lived the happy part being with you. With us. With every moment we treasured. With no one could understand. But one day, we will come faster to face the dark sides of this life. And I really wish, I can face them together with you. So we can hold each other's hand, have each other's back, and never gonna leave each other behind. Now, what I know we are going to face that phase. Are you ready? Because I think, I am. As long as we are together in this. -17 sept 2012-

1st Year Anniversary 060911 - 060912

Yeay! Finally :) Gw belum nulis apa-apa nih tentang anniversary gw sama Beyi. Hm, what do I want to say? Hahaha.. I really don't know.. Well, bermula dari cerita yang agak rumit, naik turun, jumpalitan, dan sebagainya.. Akhirnya di suatu siang setelah kembalinya dia dari kampung halaman, gw pun memintanya untuk meminta gw kembali jadi kekasihnya. Hahaha. iya-iyaa, ketawan deh gw yang minta "ditembak". Sebenernya karena beberapa waktu sebelumnya (jauuuhh sebelumnya sih), dia memang sudah mengutarakan keinginannya menjadikan gw pacarnya, tapi waktu itu gw masih galau hahaha.. So, I said No. But then time goes by, kami masih dekat dan smakin dekat bahkan. So, after 2 weeks dia pergi pulang kampung, gw merasa kangen setengah mati dan sudah meyakinkan diri gw untuk menjadi pendampingnya.. :D Nah, sialnya.. Gw minta siang itu, ga dikabulin.. Pernyataan dia malah.. "Salah sendiri kenapa nolak waktu itu.." *jahat* :( But I'm so irresistable kan yah,, haha...