Hard work will paid. It is. Terima kasih ya Allah, untuk nilai 'A' skripsi saya. Untuk predikat hasil belajar yang sangat memuaskan :) You are amazing. Doubt You no more. * Mom & daddy. That always lovin me for who I am. Giving me spaces so I can move as I want, but never forget to watch over my step. Taking care of me in my bad and good times. Always assure me that I can do it. * Nabila Dian Nirmala I think, ure right. There's only one person for best. And ure the one. Mau terima kasih untuk apa? Untuk menjadi sebagian dari diriku dan sebagian lagi jd dirimu yg slalu mendukung aku? Ure a gift. a miracle. And I am the lucky one to have u as my best friend. HUGS! * And surely thanks to my bestest ever friends : AGENT. No such wonder more than u, guys :) Always there for me. In my good and my bad. Love you so much. Can't say a word, cuz u guys are more than words. More than anything in this world. * You, bebek. Although you're far away there. Thanks for always tel...
curahan hati seorang cewe kecil yang cabe rawid, siapa tau ada yang bisa dibagi dan berguna. atau kadang gak lebih dari sekedar keluh kesah atau curah bahagia tentang hidupnya :)